Areas of Expertise

Here are my areas of expertise, which I will use to provide you with customized recommendations that will help you plan for your financial future.

  • Business Continuation Planning
    What will happen to your business when you retire, or if you become permanently disabled or die? What’s the value of your business, and how much is each owner’s share worth? Because I specialize in business continuation planning, I can help you answer these and other questions. Together we can develop a range of solutions to help protect your business, should something unforeseen happen down the road.
  • Business Risk Management
    As a business owner, you know that your presence on the job is crucial. Securing the right kind of business protection can be complicated. Using my expertise in business risk management from Northwestern Mutual, I can help you protect your business to ensure its future.
  • Business Succession Planning
    What will happen to your business when you retire, or if you become permanently disabled or die? What’s the value of your business, and how much is each owner’s share worth? As a business owner, you know how many years you have invested in your business. Wanting it to continue is natural. Because I specialize in business succession planning, I can help you answer these and other questions. Together we can develop a plan to help ensure a smooth transfer of your business.
  • Estate Planning
    You work your whole life to build your estate. You should have control over what happens to it upon your death. Building a lasting legacy takes more than simply accumulating a large portfolio. You need a solution that remains flexible enough to allow you to maintain maximum control of your assets and enjoy them during your lifetime while you prepare for the efficient transfer of those assets after you die.
  • Financial Planning
    Long-term financial security doesn’t happen by chance. Many things in life can have an impact – positive or negative – on your financial well-being. I’m here to help you take control of your future. Together we’ll identify your most important goals and dreams, and build and implement a financial plan to help you achieve them. And because life is unpredictable, we’ll monitor your progress on a regular basis to ensure your plan evolves as your needs and the situation around you changes.
  • Retirement Planning
    Perhaps one of the greatest financial challenges you will face in your lifetime is preparing adequately for your retirement. I will help you create a plan that will assess your current financial situation, determine the retirement lifestyle for your future, review the many options available, and put solutions in place to help ensure you achieve the retirement of your dreams.
  • Special Needs Planning
    Planning for a dependent with special needs can be complicated. It is recommended that you work with a team of experts – including an attorney, a financial professional and a social service professional. As a key member to the special needs team, I provide solutions for families with special needs.
  • Life Insurance Planning
    Many people realize that they need life insurance. And, many people have opinions about what type of life insurance they prefer. I regularly help people determine how much life insurance they need and what types or combination of types of coverage are best suited to help them further their own objectives. A well constructed life insurance policy can be a valuable part of your overall financial security plan. I will help you look at this in the context of your overall financial security plan and help you determine what makes the most sense for your particular situation.
  • Long Term Care Planning
    After a lifetime of work and proper preparation, a secure retirement can be your reward. That security will only be as strong as your ability to stay healthy. Most people would agree that their most important asset is their health. That is why it’s important to ensure that if you are ever faced with an extended illness, you will receive the kind of care you need. Together with our specialists, I’ll assist you in determining your long-term care needs and design solutions tailored to your unique situation.
  • Disability Income Planning
    Disability insurance protects one of your most valuable assets-your ability to earn an income. A disability could suspend or terminate your income for an extended period of time. It may force you to close your business. With my expertise in disability insurance, I am able to recommend disability insurance products that are talored for your specific situation.
  • Education Funding
    With the cost of higher education rising faster than the rate of inflation, many families wonder how to prepare for this expense. I specialize in education funding and can help you explore the right options for saving the money you need to send your children to college.
  • Employee and Executive Benefits Planning
    Employee benefits are an important part of the growth of your business. Benefits such as health insurance, pension plans, group life and disability income plans make up the compensation package that helps ensure continued employee satisfaction and well-being within your company. Designing an employee benefit approach can be a complicated, technical and time-consuming matter. Working with a specialist who offers access to comprehensive employee benefit services through local and independently owned companies, provides a number of advantages, including experienced professionals with access to top providers and a wealth of benefit choices tailored to meet your business’ ever changing needs.

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